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Bath purchase instructions

Bath purchase instructions

Style material

1. In addition to the traditional bathtub, many students nowadays will choose the jacuzzi. The Jacuzzi is divided into three types: vortex type, bubble type, vortex bubble combination type, which should be clear when purchasing;

2, the material of the bathtub is mainly acrylic, steel plate, cast iron as the mainstream products, of which, cast iron grade is the highest, acrylic and steel plate is second, ceramics as the absolute mainstream of the past bathtub, the market has almost not seen;

3, the advantages and disadvantages of the bathtub material is mainly to see whether the surface is smooth, whether the hand touch is smooth. Especially for steel plates and cast iron bathtubs, if the enamel is not well plated, there will be fine ripples on the surface;

4. The quality and thickness of the material are related to the firmness of the bathtub, and the students cannot see it with visual inspection. You need to press with your hands and step on them with your feet, if you have a feeling of sinking, it means that the hardness is not enough. Of course, it is best to get the consent of the merchant before stepping on it.

Dimension shape

1, the size of the bathtub should be determined according to the size of the bathroom, if it is determined to install the bathtub in the corner, usually speaking, the triangular bathtub takes up more space than the rectangular bathtub;

2, the same size of the bathtub, its depth, width, length and contour is not the same, if you like the depth of the water, the position of the waste outlet should be higher;

3, for a single-sided bathtub with a skirt, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the direction of the skirt according to the position of the sewer and the wall, and you cannot install it if you buy it wrong.

4, if the bathtub above the shower head, the bathtub should choose a slightly wider, the bathtub part below the shower position should be flat, and should be treated with anti-slip.
